Szczecin City Hall, taking into consideration the current and previous cooperation in the area of the City – universities and educational institutions referring their students and pupils for free inetrnship, supporting the didactic process in the form of practical training of future personnel – presents the procedure for admission for internship:
- A student’s application to the City Secretary for an internship should include:
- full name, contact details: e-mail address, telephone number
- Name of the university, major, year of study,
- framework date and internship programme,
- preferred Departments/Offices in which the internship is to take place.
The detailed scope of tasks realised by organisational units of Szczecin City Hall is described in the Public Information Bulletin of Szczecin City Hall in the tab Organisational Regulations of Szczecin City Hall.
- After being passed by the Organisational Unit, the application of the student/pupil is considered by the Director of the Department/Office of Szczecin City Hall in terms of compatibility of the framework programme of the internship with the tasks of the organisational unit of the Office, taking into consideration the possibility of ensuring safe and hygienic working conditions for the intern.
- The affirmative application shall be the basis for informing the student/student of the granted consent. The internship agreement is concluded, after the student provides two copies of the agreement/agreement on the internship signed by the representative of the university/school responsible for the programme and signed by the Secretary of Szczecin City.
- An employee of the Personnel and Training Department of the Organisational Department of Szczecin City Hall contacts the student/pupil in order to discuss the technical and content-related issues of starting an internship. On the day of commencement – the intern is directed to mandatory health and safety training and data protection training. On subsequent days – practical classes take place in an agreed Department/Office under the guidance of a designated employee (supervisor).
- Practical training shall take 8 hours per day for students/students over 18 years of age, for juveniles (students under 16 years of age) – not to exceed 6 hours. In justified cases, resulting from the specific functioning of a disabled student over 16 years of age – it is possible to reduce the number of hours of practical training to 7 hours.
- Completion certificate is issued upon completion of practical classes. Intern review shall be prepared at the request of the student/pupil.